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Roder Marquees from First Choice

15m x 30m Baytex Ivory Pleated Roof Linings - London


Ex-Hire, Very Good Condition

Manufactured for Roder HTS Premium Structures
75d Pleated Ivory Fabric (2oz)
Manufactured by Baytex Manufacturing Co. (New Zealand)
Consisting of Hip Ends and Middle Sections (all 5m bay)
Complete with Storage Bags for All Sections
Sale to make way for new stock
Flame Retardant to BS5867

Ex-hire linings all in very good and fully usable condition with a long amount of life remaining. All have been stored carefully in bags following use since manufacture.

Baytex linings are manufactured from 100% polyester fire retardant fibre for maximum durability and have a simple set up.

Load points can be locked together with sister clips and a cord is present at eave level for the hanging of wall linings. All roof lining panels are joined with fixed velcro for a seamless finish.

Manufactured for Roder HTS Premium Structures in pleated 2oz ivory fabric, package includes hip ends and middle sections all in 5m bays. Baytex storage bags for all sections included. (Wall Linings & Valances are not included)

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Delivery notes

Collection London SE28

Contact notes

Call Tony on 07836 578 228 for more info.

Price: £2150 +VAT
Ref#: 07EF430A5F70
Brand: Baytex (4)

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