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- 3x 10m x 5m ivory pleated mid section roof
- 1x 10m x 1.5m ivory pleated mid section roof
- 2x 10m ivory pleated flat gable end (tent set)
Manufactured by Custom Covers fits Roder HTS 10m wide 5m bays
Linings in excellent condition, they have only been used to line a hall a few times a year

£1300 +VAT ono

Ivory pleated roof linings for a 15m x 30m
Ivory pleated roof linings for a 20m x 40m

Made by Custom Covers
Comes with hip ends
In good condition

From £3000 +VAT

Full set of Ivory wall linings and swags to fit 12m x 24m marquee. Excellent condition, only used once then stored in loft, in boxes, for the last 2 years. now need them gone.
12 no. swags - 6 meters long (6 swags) with velcro top
36 No. Wall linings 2m x 2m Velcro on sides, loops on top
Boxes comes with them. Open to sensible offers

£550 £450 VAT Free

Bundle to include:
Ivory swags x 18
Pink swags x 19
Red swags x 18
Starlight x 2
Black out walls x 3
9m Roof Lining Ivory x 2
6m Roof Lining Ivory x 2
Ivory Leg Covers x 40
Ivory Wall Linings x 14
6m End Roof Lining Ivory x 2
Walls Black x 4
9m Dividing Gable Ivory x 1
6m Fill in End x 1

£1995 +VAT ono

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Drape - 32 available @ £10 each
Wall In-fill - 3 available @ £15 each
Pleated Swag - 22 available @ £7 each
3m Gutter Lining - 5 available @ £15 each
3m x 2.3m Wall - 24 available @ £30 each

From £7 ono each

| Quantity: 86
12m pleated ivory lining partition made by custom covers in 2022

£600 £550 +VAT

Marquee linings, 15x30m full set in 3m bays for 2.4m side height
No.8 15x3m roofs
No.2 hip end 15m (tent set)
No.30 wall linings
No.30 swags

£3950 £2395 +VAT

A Grade Customer Covers Linings
3m Bay - 2.3m Eave
Pleated walls, pleated roofs, pleated hip-ends
Pleated flat gable, pleated swags, reveal curtains and pagoda roof

From £7 +VAT ono

Covers & Linings Complete 9m x 9m White Pleated Linings

There are additional walls and roofs but they are slightly damaged or marked

£500 +VAT

12m ivory pleated linings
15m ivory pleated linings
Wall linings ivory pleated 3m high
All in very good condition

From £45 +VAT each

| Quantity: 10
Very little use (4 times) Custom covers Ivory dividing curtain for Hoecker 12 metre marquee

£350 +VAT

9m Clear Span Lining 9m x 33m pleated consisting of 2x 9m Hip ends and 9 middles
Custom covers to fit CC/Roder Frames

£1250 +VAT

40ft x 80ft - 2 ends and 2 middles
40ft x 100ft 2 ends and 3 middles
40ft x 120ft 2 ends and 4 middles
All lining is in good condition

From £800 +VAT

8 x mid sections with 2 x Flat gable sets
Can be sold with 10 x Ivory pleated walls & 10 x Ivory pleated window drapes.

£1995 £1350 VAT Free ono

Ivory pleated lining for 12m Wide marquees
Max size 12m x 72m can split into 5 marquees
Comes with reveal curtain, leg covers and tie back walls.
In good used condition
Will Split

£200 +VAT each

| Quantity: 22
These linings fit a standard 3m bay.
For a 15m x 39m Hoecker marquee.
Fixing wires
Lining lifting system

£6500 +VAT ono

Designed for Hoecker structures and will fit standard 3m bays.

£200 +VAT ono each

| Quantity: 2
Ivory pleated roof linings - Great condition
10 x mid sections at £390 each

£390 £350 +VAT

£1275 £1000 VAT Free ono

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