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Roder Marquees from First Choice
16 Galvanised farmers' market stalls complete with green & white canopies and matching skirts.
Plywood tabletops can be included if required.
Manufactured by Gavin Kenning Engineering.
These stalls are in good used condition - they are perfectly serviceable and far better than many farmers' markets use.
Will sell individually or as a job lot.

£250 £225 VAT Free ono each

| Quantity: 16
3m x 24m Tectonics marquee
PVC in excellent condition - like new
Linings available if required

£6500 +VAT

Tectonics 4.5m wide modular marquees
In 3m bays
Ideal for stalls, mobile shops, race meetings, garages / awnings for motor bikes or karts.
You will get a complete aluminium frame + walls (but not gables or gable walls)
Easy to construct and move.

£1200 VAT Free

Aluminium frame
10ft x 10ft
Windows in some sides, one part striped side,
A bit of discolouring on the roof
Does not leak
Very sturdy

£700 £600 VAT Free ono

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Hexagon spantech marquee
5 metre bays
9 metre width.
One/two window walls
Five plain walls.

£995 VAT Free

Offers Over £5000 VAT Free ono

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