The Best Place To Buy Or Sell New Or Used Marquees And Equipment.
15m Extensions/Keystones, Legs And Roofs For 15m x 30m - North Dorset
Here is nearly everything you need to convert your 12m x 30m Tectonics/Custom Covers 3m bay tent to 15m x 30m.The only thing missing is a tent set of 15m gables but those can be picked up easily.
Roofs are old and not wedding spec hence the price.
NEW 3m, 6m & 9m Clear Span Curve Extension Kit - Yorkshire
Our curved extension kit allows a 3m structure to be extended to 6m; a 6m to a 9m and a 9m to a 12m span structure, whilst utilising your existing components.Genuine Roder Metalwork For Sale - Yorkshire
Genuine Roder metalwork for sale - YorkshireNew & second hand
From a complete frame to a single item
Metal work & PVC covers in stock
All sizes - 2.3m or 3m leg - 3m or 5m bays
6x6 Hoecker Pagoda Frame Only - Manchester
6x6 Hoecker pagoda frame only longest length 6 meters comes with feet and all connectors.Please not it’s only the metal work no material hence the price.
9m Hexagonal End Hoecker - Bristol
9m Gable hip end (3 sides)Frame & Canvas & Roof Lining
Hip gable roof
Wall bars top & bottom
3x Arched Windows, Central Laced
P9 Spider
3x 6m x 6m Cone Conversion Kits - Northamptonshire
Each Kit Includes:1 x 6m x 6m Cone Roof (Bar Tension 250mm valance).
1 x Set Of 6m Roof Wires
1 x 6m Horizontal Wire & Spreader
1 x Cone Mushroom
1 x Cone Ridge Knuckle
1 x Cone Pole
5x 12m PVC Roofs - Essex
5x 12m Pvc Roofs For Sale.Price is for one roof.
9m Hex End Conversion Kit - Leicestershire
Custom Covers 9m clear roof conversion kit in pvc.Using your existing 9m framework this kit converts to offer a clear hex end canopy
9m Bell Conversion Kit with 4m Max Clear Walls, Roof Lining, Boarded Floor - Leicestershire
Convert your existing 9m framework in to a stylish bell end, great for weddings etc.12M X 30M in 3M Bays (2.3m Legs) - Manufactured by Walter UK - Multiform (Model) - Suffolk
12M X 30M in 3M bays (2.3m Legs). MANUFACTURED BY WALTER UK - Multiform (Model).9m x 3m Roder marquee Extension Bay - Lincolnshire
One middle bay for 9m wide Roder frame marqueeInc. 2x Legs, 2x Rafters, 2x Eves, 7x purlins,2x Curtain poles 1x Roof, 1x Walls
Enough to make your existing marquee 3m longer
Selling because surplus to requirements.
6m x 18m Roder Marquee Frame - Yorkshire
Sold to Pat In about an hour!
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