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Roder Marquees from First Choice
1384m of Festoon
Yellow cable festoon with lamp holders at 3m intervals. Currently fitted with 230v plugs and
couplers, but can be fitted with 110v ones

£600 +VAT

Standard bayonet fitting soft white light bulbs.

£20 +VAT

| Quantity: 50
Golf ball LED bayonet light bulbs soft white.

£150 +VAT

| Quantity: 180
50 red
50 green
50 blue
70 amber
All bayonet fitting, to be sold as a job lot

£130 +VAT

| Quantity: 220
470 metres in total, 7 x 50m, 6 x 20m.
Bayonet fitting every metre

£3 Per Metre

Strings of Festoon Lighting with 16amp ends.
Essential style with round cable 1m spacing.

From £25 +VAT each

| Quantity: 138
240V Festoon @ 1m spacing from KES Power & Light
250 metres available in one job lot on 1 pallet
250m consists of some different lengths approx. 100m, 40mm, 38m, 35m, 12m, 12m, 7m, 6m
Shatterproof plastic bulbs

£1295 +VAT

We have approximately 1000m of festoon lights
1m Spacing- standard bayonet fitting.
Price for 50m length
25m lengths also available

£225 VAT Free each

| Quantity: 20

£2762.20 £2238 VAT Free

£300 +VAT

| Quantity: 18
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