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All these prices include VAT & *free delivery within 200 miles of Leeds **** Winter discounted prices ****
3m x 3m marquee @ £277
3m x 6m marquee @ £491
4m x 4m marquee @ £379
4m x 6m marquee @ £527
4m x 8m marquee @ £651
6m x 6m marquee @ £829
6m x 8m marquee @ £1,025
6m x 10m marquee @ £1,222

From £277 inc. VAT

15m x 15m - 3m bay size - 3m leg height
Only put up once and has never been erected outside!

£29500 £14500 +VAT

Brand-new genuine Roder marquees for sale - From First Choice Marquee Sales
From 3m wide to 30m almost any length.
Delivery / installation and training available.


Hire - Sales - Leasing New & Secondhand
Covering the whole of the UK
We stock a wide range of both
PVC marquees & steel framed temporary structures
Many different sizes & designs available
Finance available


Good Morning Ben and Amanda, I’m pleased to say that my business has now been sold and the enquiry originated from your website! Thank you for all your help and please now remove the advert or mark it as “sold” Best Regards Colin

£39995 £29995 VAT Free ono

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