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Roder Marquees from First Choice

Sold 12m x 39m Hoecker P12 Marquee 6x Gables Will Split - Scotland


We have enough Hoecker P12 Marquee parts to make up a total of 39m of superior marquee and sub flooring.

Total price for all is £27795, however, we have enough parts and gable ends available to be able to sell parts individually to make 3 shorter marquees for example, a 24m x 12m marquee, a 12m x 12m marquee and a 9m x 12m - i.e. all bays are 3m long.

So please message to ask for price for a different amount of parts depending on what length marquee you require!

All parts are hardly used and are in excellent condition. Currently in storage, cleaned and ready for sale.

Welcome to come and view

Framework and accessories

Description Quantity

Rafter 34
Wall legs 34
45 degree rafter bracer 26
Purlin 75
Purlin with Bungee Hole 30
Wall bars 68
Wall bar gable open end 12
Wall bar gable U end 12
Wall bar corner bottom 12
Gable upright long 6
Gable upright short 12
Gable cable sets 6
Wall upright with knuckle 30
Floor beam 3 metres 38
Floor beam connector 17
Floorboards 312
Ground spikes 80
Footplate wall 43
Footplate with spike 8
Footplate floor 29
Bracers wall 10

Covers and accessories
Description Quantity
White roof 10
Grey roof 4
Clear roof 2
White wall 38
Clear wall 5
Clear wall faded 4
Gable White 4.5
Gable grey 1
Gable Clear 1

This marquee cost over £96,000 at todays prices.

Click here for more products from this seller

Delivery notes

Collection from Blair Atholl


Delivery available at buyer's expense - please ask for prices
We can arrange transport once buyer location known.

This item is now sold

Price: Sold
Brand: Hoecker (52)
Model: P12 (4)