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Dry Hire offered
Dividing Drop Curtain. 2 Pieces, Some stains and marks

£250 +VAT ono

1 Ivory Gable End in good condition

£150 +VAT ono

14 x Ivory Wall linings in good condition, although with some small marks
2 x Ivory Wall linings in average condition, multiple marks/spots of mould
5 x Ivory Wall linings in dirty/mouldy condition
1 x Ivory Wall lining slightly damaged
Prices from £10

From £10 +VAT ono each

| Quantity: 22
Pleated 9m Clearspan roof linings in good condition. Ivory Pleated roof linings with some marks/spots of mold (shown in pictures).

£200 +VAT ono each

| Quantity: 3
On Site Kitchen Rental (marquee)

£2000 £1700 +VAT ono

£250 +VAT ono

| Quantity: 37
On Site Kitchen Rental (marquee)
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