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Roder Marquees from First Choice
Makes 5 x 24ft x 15ft in Mahogany and 1 x 21ft x 18ft Oak (some spares and some missing edging).
On average Fair condition.
I will consider selling as separate dance floors depending on size requested.

£7000 +VAT

160kg concrete weights with threaded lifting fixing (M12 eyebolt required).
Slotted base for easy moving.

£30 +VAT each

| Quantity: 110
1.5m UPVC double doors – 16
0.75m UPVC windows – 25
U channel to fit into a 3m bay
Purpose built stillages for above 3 x door stillage (6 doors per stillage) and 3 x window stillage (8 Windows per stillage)

£15000 +VAT

Door stillage holds 6 x 6ft wide doors with detachable top section to reduce to three doors.

£300 +VAT each

| Quantity: 2
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