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Roder Marquees from First Choice

Sold Marquee / Club Lighting Rig - Cheshire


Stunning lighting rig
Ideal for marquee or club

Comes with :-

6x Bose Speakers
8x Phantom 50 LED Spot MKII Moving Lights
14x Showtec Compact Par 18 MKII
15m of truss - with white cover
Racking unit with Lighting Console and Quality Audio Amps
Quality radio Microphones
4x Chain blocks
2x 30cm Mirror balls

The cost of the equipment new was £25,000

8x Phantom 50 LED Spot MKII moving Lights @£399 each = £3192

20.900 Lux @ 1 M
7 Rotating Gobo’s & 9 colours
easy accessible replaceable Gobos
Gobo shake, gobo rotate and 3-fact prism
16 Built-in programmes selectable by DMX

The Phantom 50 MKII LED Spot is the bigger brother of the 25 LED Spot and has a 50W white LED light source. Besides the stronger output the 50 LED spot also has some extra functionality's like rotating gobo´s and a 3-facet prism. The 50 LED spot has 7 gobo´s with shake effect and the 9 dichros are the same as the 25 LED Spot. This makes them easy to combine. The 50 LED Spot can also be used as a master for the 25 LED spot in a master/slave setup. It has 2 personalities, an advanced 13-channel and a basic 8-channel setting. The weight is 5,6 Kg and it has only one clamp bracket which makes it easy to handle and position in truss systems. This little moving head will surprise you with its complete functionality and strong light output.

DR-PRO Rack DMX Recorder £ 139

Recorder DMX DR-PRO rack
The DR-PRO RACK has a 128 x 160 pixel colour display, as well as 8 memory locations where chases, scenes or shows can be stored freely.

DMX 512
3-Pin XLR In/Out:
Voltage: 9~12 V / 500 mA min.
Dimensions (L/W/H): 482 x 100 x 44 mm

14x Showtec Compact Par 18 MKII @ £145 = £2030

Compact 18 x 3 W RGB LED Par
Suitable for studio applications
Silent operation
Flicker free
Easy link up to 15 units

The Showtec Compact Par 18 MKII is a compact 18 x 3 watt RGB LED Par with silent and flicker free operations, suitable for studio applications. It has a 28° fixed beam angle and features 0-100 % dimmer and 0-20 Hz strobe effects, perfectly suitable for short-throw colour mixing. The Compact Par 18 MKII is equipped with double bracket for easy floor positioning and fit to easily link up to 15 units. Its design fits in every setting with either black and white housing.

2x Showgear Mirror Ball @ £86 each = £172

Extra strong mirror balls with safety-eye attached to safety bar inside (top to bottom). With glass mirrors

2x Mirror Ball Motor @ 34 each = £68

Showgear Mirror ball Motor up to 40-50 cm

Showtec DB-1-4 4-Channel DMX Booster 3P & 5P XLR @ £99

DMX splitter for 4 outputs
Electrical isolation between in and output
3 & 5P XLR in- & outputs

The DB-1-4 is a Universal DMX-512 Optical Splitter. It splits the incoming DMX signal, in chain configurations, into four separate outputs with an additional "thru" port. For easy connection, the DB-1-4 has 3-pin and 5-pin XLR connectors. The unit can be installed in any 19" rack or with the M10 slot on the rear panel in the carrier. The lighting controller has clear LEDs to indicate the DMX signal status of each output and input

12x Artecta Carlow 120 RGBWA 12/5 @ £362 = £4344

8x 2m Truss @ £190 = £1520

The Milos PRO-30 truss is made of 50mm alu pipe with a thickness of 2mm and 16mm braces. This is the most used construction system for discotheques, stages, theaters and many more applications.

Metal Equipment Rack £353

19 inch Professional Equipment Rack • 1 Organic glass door, 3 metal sides with ventilation 1.2 mm • 1.5 mm mat powder coated metal frame body • Inner depth 527 mm • Strong double mounting rail on front and backside

Other Gear

Z-350 Professional Fazer + remote @ £324
6x Bose speakers @ £340 each = £2040

Delivery notes

Collection from Cheshire

This item is now sold

Price: Sold
Brand: Bose (2)