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Roder Marquees from First Choice

12m x 35m (7 bay) Roder Marquee - Lincoln, Lincolnshire


12m x 35m Roder Marquee for sale. Don't use it anymore.

Bays: 12m x 5m (7 bays)
Eaves: 2.5m

PVC Roofs and Gables
PVC walls (each 2-part with eyelets)
All tensioners
Some window walls
Some extra/spare frame pieces and PVCs
Come with storage racking

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Delivery notes

Located Lincoln, Lincs.
Can deliver for reasonable fee, would prefer collection.

Contact notes

Al or Will - 01526 397995

Price: £20000 £12000 inc. VAT ono
Ref#: CEC0986D6BD4
Brand: Roder (UK) (38)

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