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Roder Marquees from First Choice

5m And 3m Roder/HTS Timber Sub Floor With 2m, 3m And 5m Extrusions - Bedfordshire


All in VGC

5M Bays:
114x 5M boards
12x 5M Extrusions
2x 2M Extrusions

3M Bays:
24x 3M Boards
8x 3m Extrusions some with removable baseplates attached

32x 100x100x5170mm sub timber
79x 80x100x4520mm sub timber

Delivery notes

Located in Sandy, Bedfordshire
Delivery can be arranged at buyers cost POA

Contact notes

01480 700632 or 07739530496 (Nick)

Price: £6000 +VAT ono
Ref#: CD37EACA7103
Brand: HTS TentIQ (AKA Roder / Hocker / HTS) (45)

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