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Roder Marquees from First Choice

Job Lot Various Stage And Event Lights - Exeter, Devon


Here we have a job lot of lighting units that have previously been part of our rental stock.

They are in mixed condition, some have been used recently and others have been in storage for a while.

The lot comprises of the following items:

Par 64 (long nose): Qty 4 / working

Par 56 (short nose): Qty 7 / working, 1 missing lamp

LED par can RGBWUV: Qty 3 / 2 working, 1 UV only

MBI 250W flood: Qty 4 / working

MBI 150W flood: Qty 1/ untested

Martin Mania DC1: Qty 3 / untested, missing lamps

LED pin spot: Qty 6 / working

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Delivery notes

Price: £100 +VAT / £120 inc’ VAT
Payment via BACS / cash / PayPal
Collection only, items are located in Exeter, Devon.

Contact notes

Sound Events
01392 250679
Mon - Fri 0900 - 1700
Collection outside of business hours available by appointment

Price: £100 +VAT
Ref#: 4FA094D07D91

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